Learning English

Two Simple and Easy Tips to Enhance your English

I notice that my readers usually come from Japan so I decided to publish this blog. These are some easy tips I would like to share to my students.

Improve your vocabulary 

Reading would greatly boost your vocabulary. Ask yourself what kind of reading materials you would like to read. If you are a person who loves to check out the current events, then I suggest that you read the English news after reading your favorite Japanese newspaper.  If you love reading manga, you could check out some comics sites. When I was young I loved reading Archie and one of my favorite character there was Jughead. You can check out this comic book if it suits your taste.

Immerse yourself in an English environment

 This is difficult especially if English is not commonly spoken in your area, so how to do that. If you are into music, you can listen to English song. Try to hear out the words. You can begin with simple slow songs. Try to imitate how they pronounce it. Mind you some songs don’t have perfect grammar. However, listening to them can make you more familiar on some words that you don’t know of.

If you have time to watch then maybe you can indulge yourself to watching an English drama series or movies. You could turn on the subtitle at first and second time around you can try to watch it without the subtitle. Test yourself if you could still hear out the words they’re saying. Some expressions are not that easy to understand. Take note of that expression and you can ask your English tutor to explain more about it.

If you are not into music or movies, you could also check out some podcasts or documentaries. What’s important is that you are enjoying your free time and at the same time you improving your English.

With these two tips, you can improve your vocabulary, grammar, listening and pronunciation. Of course, for you to check your development you need your English Teacher to guide you. You can use the words you’ve read and heard and the teacher can evaluate if you were able to use them properly in the class.